If you have just read an article on gold bullion investment, for you are getting interested to invest perhaps the following pictures will make you more interested to invest in gold bullion.
Because these images are gold bullion in large numbers, I hope you do not think that you have not been able to invest because you do not have enough capital.
To invest in gold bars does not have to have a large capital, because the gold bullion production of PT. Antam Tbk. available in small units ranging from 1 gram to 1 kg.
Here are the photos:
Source : http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=2961379
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This blog is a translation of the blog version of Indonesia by using google translate
Gold Bars Photos
Take advantage of your Blog
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Chinese Way of Life Success
China has a strategy to achieve greatness.
If there are countries that seem most anticipation of a possible collapse of the world financial system today is the country the People's Republic of China. Most populous country in the world, secretly, continued to take the most effective step: switch kekayannya on real assets, namely gold (and silver). Recently the Chinese government strongly recommends that every Chinese person aside at least 5% of savings in the form of gold.
If we remember the official policy of the Chinese Government against gold until about a decade before the step above is very radical. Officially, until just before the "Krismon" Asian Landmarks and 1997, the Chinese government is blocking the people to own gold. Only those who obtain certain permits from the government, such as gold craftsmen, can buy and own gold.
In addition, the Chinese government itself, constantly adding gold stocks, to transfer wealth reserves. Besides gold, of course, silver as a bimetallic pair, also more favored by the government and the Chinese people. As written by Jeff Clark, an analyst with gold and silver from Casey Research, the Chinese people, many queuing at banks, post offices, and official gold printing company that was founded, to buy gold and silver.
Jeff Clark also pointed to the fact that the sting interesting, as presented in the two graphs below.
First, in the year 2008, China produces 9:07 million ounces of gold, beyond the countries largest gold producing other. Production levels increased, while other countries is decreasing.
Second, more than half a century before China is a country with per capita gold consumption is lowest. This year China is expected demand will exceed the demand for gold will be India. This means they will be retail gold buyers in the world no 1.
Third, the Chinese government's use of reserves to buy gold devisanya in bigger portions. Last April, they unexpectedly announced that they had bought gold, since 2003, and increase gold reserves up to 76%, to 33,886 million ounces. Currently the Chinese government's control of the gold more than 30 times the amount they had in 1990. Cinalah which will be the biggest buyer of the sale of 12.9 million ounces of gold reserves of the IMF.
And not just a matter of production and consumption of noble metal present only where the power of China. Jeff further analyze the Chinese forces to maneuver labih far. The following graph shows that, although China is on the order of 7 penimbun gold, the gold portion of the existing reserves in the world today, still very small (less than 2%). What would happen if China raises its reserves, up to 5%, or 10%? Indeed, to become champion of the gold penimbun, China should buy as much gold joint owned by France, Italy, and Germany.
Can China do this? The following analysis of Jeff Clark.
In the gold price of 1.000 USD to boost China's reserves to 5% needed funds for 55.3 billion USD; to 10% needed $ 144.4 billion USD; to become number 1 takes $ 227.6 billion USD.
China's foreign reserves now close to 2.3 trillion USD, 70% of it, about 1.6 trillion USD, the shape of the U.S. dollar. Thus, the amount of funds required China to become world champion gold, is relatively small. China did not have a problem with the U.S. dollar banknotes. In fact China's gold reserves continued to increase. Purchase constantly occur, both by government and by ordinary citizens. It is estimated that approximately 9.6 million ounces of gold in China will be printed into coins and medals this year, 2009. With the price of 1000 USD / ounce this effort requires only 9.5 billion USD, only about 30% of capital in China.
Interesting we know the situation for silver. Total production this year expected to reach 35 million ounces, equivalent to 625 million USD, or just 1.7% of capital available. In other words, outside of the consumption needs of the population will goods other household, consumption for gold and silver will still be enlarged. This tendency is also supported by the fact that demographic in China where the middle class also increased, up to 70% in 2020. So, in the next ten years, gold and silver consumption in China will continue to increase as well.
Thus, in the middle of last crawled world gold prices lately, should we learn from this Chinese strategy. From the graph above we can see the level of Indonesia's gold production continued to fall. While the views of Indonesian gold reserves ranked only 37th, with gold reserves just 73.1 tonnes (See also: One Family, One Dinar).
However, do not worry, because there was no word late in dealing with gold and silver. With the wide circulation of the gold dinar and silver dirham through Wakala network in this country, our society has ample opportunity to strengthen themselves. Duty each of us to realize, convincing, and invite other people, to begin to save this nation's assets.
With evidence Dinar and Dirham strength we've got, we can set a number far higher than that used by the Chinese government (5%) above. For example, make at least 50% of the savings and reserves of our property as gold dinars and silver dirhams. Possess and use the dinar and dirham.
By: Zaim Saidi - Director Wakala Induk Nusantara
Source: http://www.wakalanusantara.com
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Gold Back Into The World Money ?
Gold and silver is a universal material.means of any two objects come from this noble has the same qualities, along sama.Tidak purity of gold is the fact that Indonesia is more qualified than the United States gold, or silver Cikotok better than the silver from Papua. Historically, and in real-life experiences of mankind over thousands of years, gold and silver also has a universal exchange.
In that context we can understand the return of Imam Ghazali's statement that the gold and silver are the most judge Muamalat fair. Gold and silver can not be manipulated. Exchange rate is not only universal but also never change. Natural gold and silver does not contain inflation. Exchange rate fluctuations, if happens, is only temporary and completely a result of the application of supply-demand law, and always in relation to other commodities. Increasing the price of gold and silver which we see today is the result of our glasses upside down, looking at the decline in value of paper currency.
In a paper money system, which allows continuous manipulation, to meet the human desire-in we call usury laws, financial and monetary crisis is a necessity. In a bimetallic system of currency (gold and silver) this kind of pseudo crisis we never know. Therefore instinctively every time a crisis of human consciousness will return to judge fairly on top of gold and silver.
Muslims are so lucky, as Ibn Khaldun put it, that Allah Subhanahu wa tala gold and silver to create this and teach us, through the Messenger of Allaah be upon salallahu, as legal tender. Dinar and Dirham has been standardized and defined in Islamic law as a medium of exchange, means to pay fines, tools to calculate and pay the zakat mal, as the scales of values, despite nearly a century could we forget and ignore.
Until now has about a decade of gold dinar and silver dirham re-circulated, also in Indonesia. Every day the number of coins and user increases. Also spreading more widely. So, with the will of Allah Subhanahu wa tala, the return of this unjust judge became the universal medium of exchange, became the world currency, is just a matter of time. Happened once, and later also will happen again. Look at the other sign, outside the circulation has returned the gold dinar, which is considered among non-Muslims. In response to the current world crisis Russia and China have proposed a 'supranational currency'. And in this context tersebutlah a former journalist named Alessandro Sassoli, who suggested that the money is made from gold. President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, the G-8 meeting, in mid-July 09 last, shows the gold coins that have not been given the name, and Medvedev has said that 'maybe we'll soon have this kind of money. "
In the prototype of the proposed gold coins Sassoli was written by Medvedev unit '1 ', and not the nominal rate as paper money, with the words' unity in diversity' on one side and 'future united world currency' on the other hand, with the ornament piece pentagonal leaves. This coin minted by the Royal Belgian Mint. Designer two people, namely Luc Luycx, general designer of the euro coins, and Laura Cretara, former workers at the Italian State Mint. This gold coin with a diameter of 29 mm 15:55 weight grams of pure gold (24 Karat).
Is there any similarity with the gold dinar? Of course. Sassoli gold coin was assessed based on the scales, its intrinsic value, and not the nominal value. Viewed from standarnyapun very compatible with the Dinar. The weight of this coin is 15:55 grams, or 0.5 troy ounces, with levels of 24 Karat. It's worth a dinar coin 4 (17 grams), in the present kadaar, 22 Karat gold. In other words, 1 Dinar equal to 1 / 4 'Coins Sassoli'. Thus, both will be exchanged in parallel. Legal exchange (in this case gold with gold) requires equality in the number and levels, and in cash.
Clearly, if the coin is Sassoli truly realized and accepted internationally, for example, Medvedev was officially followed up, it automatically means universal acceptance of gold dinar. But on the other hand, if the idea above Sassoli not become reality, Muslims have been in front. And we, for the guidance Abdalqadir Shaykh as-Sufi and his principal disciple, Umar Ibrahim Vadillo, since a decade ago, has started to happen.
By: Zaim Saidi - Director Wakala Induk Nusantara
Source: http://www.wakalanusantara.com
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Dead In Central Pile Banknotes
Trust the paper money system, like gambling against the jack-pot in Las Vegas, sometimes luck, but many of his stump.
"Does man think that he will be left just like that?" (Surat al-Qiyamah: 36)
Trust the paper money system, like gambling against the jack-pot in Las Vegas, sometimes luck, but many of his stump. How not? Through the paper money, the Jews deceive billions of human beings from generation to generation, tied with magic national currency - the multinational. The price is a hollow, through the bank as if it is worth, as printed on the sheet illustrated Banknote. But the actual payments to be borne by the recipient's own paper money, ie by producing goods and services. That means the bank to accumulate wealth, deceptive passing numbers are printed on paper money, while people who have to bear.
In Europe, the first paper money was the disastrous issue of notes of John Law's Banque Royale of France, Louis XV was changed Banque Generale on December 14, 1718. This bank is the result of lobbying from Scottish gambler - John Law who later awarded the title of duc d'Arkansas, title to the pioneer French Banknotes to fill the royal treasury was almost bankrupt, and the financing of colonization in the new continent America. After changing the name of the bank became Banque Royale, Law contributed to the colonial set up two companies and the Compagnie des Indes Compagnie d'Occident (Company of Mississippi).
In the first year, Law Notes provides flowers for the holder, to persuade the owners of silver coins and gold livres in order to exchange them for bank notes. The nobles and merchants rushed to buy up shares of the Mississippi Company, the bright hope of the future of the company that will get plenty of gold. To deceive the public, the director of the unemployed Like dressing mining workers will dredge the wealth of the new continent. They make campaign hijinks and, with parades, to finance continued to print paper money. Consequently Law Notes exceeds 2 times the number of coins in circulation throughout France, in the year 1720. Finally there was inflation, which makes people angry because of the abundance of paper money.
When the lie of the 'miracle of paper money' has caught spots, the holders of Notes invaded Law Banque Royale, requires exchange of the coin. They crowded in the Palais Royale with menggotongi the bodies of their colleagues who suffocated suffocated, shouting demands the death of John Law. At the same time, investors panicked scramble seize the assets of the duc is left, because the Law fled to England and then to Venice. Mississippi Company finally collapsed along with Banque Royale, the two years since its founding, millions menyisahkan bills scattered around Paris. Not long ago, John Law died in exile in Venice in 1729.
No deterrent for the tragedy that menimpah Law Notes, Louis XVI repeated the same mistake by printing paper money assignats, since the date of March 24, 1776. Worse, when that authority is not just a publisher assignats Emperor monopoly, but other authorities such as the church, nobility, banks and the military went along with his assignats print each causing economic chaos. In this situation, Napoleon Bonaparte's French Revolution pan (1789-1794), established Government Republic, then became Director Government (1794-1799), and then transformed into Government Consulate (1799-1803). Finally lifted himself as emperor in the year 1804 to 1814.
At the beginning of the revolution, the Government of the Republic passed the 40 million Livre assignats devalued. Livre didevaluasi eventually became 1 / 10 of the original value in 1795. But it seems that Napoleon had to throttle back the paper money, that is, when inflation continued to swell on January 1, 1796, and exploded into public anger at the Place Vendome on February 18, 1796. Do not want to blamed by the people, republican officials fill mengkambing error printing machines and paper materials used to make paper money assignats Republic, who destroyed with fire of hatred.
In America, paper money was disastrous since the founding of the country. After the war at Lexington (1775), Congress issued paper money worth $ 13 million of Treasury Notes - but popular in Continental called Notes. Continental dollar initially equivalent to 1 dollar silver Spanish - Mexico, but he continued to decline in value. As the year 1780, Continental fell to $ 40 paper for $ 1 silver, because the amount of Notes Continental has reached $ 241 million
Bank Notes After independence from England, $ 10 Continental appreciated only 1 cent copper. This means that only $ 1000 Continental for $ 1 silver, or 100,000% inflation in just 5 years (1776-1781). And unfortunately Continental Congress refused to exchange Notes for silver coin, so that the patriots-veterans upset with this policy, they are angry and do a scene. How not upset? Regular soldiers salaries average only $ 5 Continental month! Until finally appeared in the American popular cliche: Not worth a Continental, means worthless.
The idea comes from a paper dollar propaganda Benjamin Franklin, in 1730, he scored some kind of paper money diusia young colony, 23 years old. He was inspired by the paper money of the colony of Massachusetts Bay (1690). Because fighting bills, even facing the British Parliament in London, he was in Mr. gelari American Banknote, and his portrait appeared on the sheet 100 dollars.
Prior to becoming a world currency, the dollar should kelamnya during the past 160 years. Among other things: the event Wild Cats (post-Panic 1857), when the Liberal law gives freedom to the banks and individuals to make paper money (Lax Banking Law). In this era, the circulation of the paper dollar was released as the ability of the publisher. So that each bank has a dollar exchange rate different from each other. As a result, the circulation of paper money, private and state became unstoppable overflowing, and people confused choosing dollars.
Wild Cats (wild cat) is the nickname for the bankers who print paper money then went bankrupt, leaving the money worthless paper dollars. They are accused of embezzling customer deposits of gold and silver dollar, exchanging content with a pile of coins brangkas or a horseshoe nail. Profession so that bankers were like bandits, in the eyes of the American people at that time. These conditions ended in 1863, when the Federal government took over the publication of a paper dollar.
Then events duel two dollars of paper currency, the dollar against the Union Green Back Dixie Confederate dollars (1861-1865), civil war era. Once the Union soldiers - Yankees win, no doubt Dixie is no longer valuable. As a result of thousands of wealthy people in the southern United States suddenly poor, because they can not spend their dollars dixie, worthless. The once fertile area became barren, and filled by the fields neglected, because the farmer who was once recruited to be soldiers Confederation, did not have the money to pay for their land, their salaries because of the dollar is now only a dixie trimmer wallets!
Then events Dollars 1928-1935 Depression, inflation is out of control, causing massive bankruptcies, layoffs and long queues to get groceries. To stabilize the situation, the Federal Government raided gold and silver from the hands of its people and incorporate these 2 types of metal to the list of forbidden items such as narcotics.
The tragedy of Germany experienced hyperinflation (1922-1923) is the climax of the depravity of paper money system. Millions of German people from too much stress to have paper money, so the suicide rate soared! Loh, is not that much money should be added happy people? Consider this verse: "To kill people do not need a knife (weapon) is a piece of paper which says the numbers (money)." Albert Pick, Numismatic USA.
In Berlin, at the end of the year 1922, the price of basic foods suddenly soar up to 1500 times, and then soared over one billion times the previous price. Just a short time, the price of bread shot a 2 mark 2,400,000,000,000 mark (read: 2.4 trillion marks) in the year!
Moneylenders to set interest rate from 30 to 40% per day, even at the peak of inflation of 200% per day or 10% per hour. So money borrowed at 06.00 am for 100 billion mark, must be paid back 220 billion mark for the 06.00 pm, on the same day! When 30 days old loans, then debt of 100 billion marks to pay for 6,000,000,000,000 mark (read: 6 trillion mark) counted as follows: Debt interest 100 billion x 200% x 30 days.
Counts above is a matter of cut corners made the neighborhood loan shark (RT). In such conditions, the prices of goods and services rose in a matter of days, for example: egg prices Monday 10 billion mark / point, then the price of eggs Tuesday 20 billion mark / point, and so on. All activities in the life of forced work more rapidly to compensate for inflation.
Farmers should harvest more quickly: wheat, vegetables and fruit must be sent to the city as soon as possible! Similarly, cattle breeders, they have to milk cows in the early morning, because the milk-milk must be collected by the supplier prior to factory workers and other employees off duty. Traders against the clock, the receiving, counting and depositing money into the bank. After the business calculations are done, the basic food supply immediately fill their warehouses to store and then sold without rearranging the window.
Daily wage workers who want paid in cash, and quickly spend their wages to buy groceries as quickly as possible. Once they arrived late at the store, they found that his salary was gepokan money powerless to buy something, and moments later the paper currency soon became the paper change function fuel stove, kitchen, or end up as wallpaper.
By Sufyan al Jawi - Numismatic Indonesia
Source: http://www.wakalanusantara.com
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Ranking The gold in Two
Investment pal, do pal that as an investment tool Ranking Gold occupies only 2. that's the reality. that in 40 years gold has appresiasi average value of 28.73% per annum against the Rupiah; against U.S. $ on average increase the value of 10:12% / year in the same period - especially this year as of today (11/11/2009) gold has increased the value of the 31.00% range compared to the value of gold a year ago.
Appresiasi investment value of gold would be so much compared with the results of rupiah deposits (yg average only 7 - 6% net per annum) and Dollar (3 - 4% net per annum); but still there are other investments more attractive than gold - what is it? .
to mate all know, diurutan to 1 (one) is a business / trade is going well.
I take an example, the experience of a colleague who opened a business Depot Refill Water, where the initial capital for
35 million, he got a net profit of approximately 7 million / month.
where only within 5 months, initial capital is returned. very interesting not ...
Although the business / trade successfully is an investment no 1, There is a prerequisite for this is my friend must be very master of business or trade in live compassionate friend. it requires a lot of things starting from the knowledge, experience, self-discipline, control of capital besides itself.
If my friend does not have one of them is Islam gives a lot of solutions. If my friend had only capital but lack the skills to, so my friend can be Shahibul mal (capital owners) and find mudarib (those who believe, master, skills to run a business) who can run a business that my friend interested.
If my friend only had the skills but lack capital, so my friend can be mudarib Shahibul mall and find that according to expertise.
And if my friend had the capital and expertise, but feel two things are not sufficient, then the friend can search for partners for bersyarikah. The point there is no reason not to start pioneering effort.
Gold as a No. 2 is the step that is very safe (if my friend had the capital but has not dared to start a business / commerce).
gold investments to be the best solution, rather than letting pal capital / savings in the bank eroded your time (interest rates) and inflation is slowly being eaten away.
I hope the Golden kiita agreed that only the No. 2 as an investment, and business / trade sector was the real No. 1; but by using gold as an investment instrument, the worst outcome Gold Investment is still No. 2.
Superior to the Deposit (both rupiah and dollar)
let alone just a savings ..
Start today, to move the buddy financial assets (in the form of savings possible), a Gold Investment (Whether it's gold bars, coins Dinar, and Gold jewelry)
Like in the final game, won 2 already kepegang - struggled to stay a champion as much as possible of course 1.
More than that Gold is not just as a means of investment;
The move from paper money into cash in the form of Real Gold is the displacement of a scale that is not fair to the scales of Justice.
Whatever the results of your investment, do not turn round again, or compare the results of your efforts to scale / size of the unjust (fiat / paper money) is. And Allaah knows best bus showab
May the good intentions we all, made easy to be realized ..
if there are questions about getting gold coins and gold bars dinars .. maybe my friend could see in the discussion forum of this group.
I salute you on the Family
By: Dadang Farhan's father Facebook Group Gold Investment for the Future Gold
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Gold Investment: Dinar Coins, Gold Bullion Or Gold Jewelry?
Assalamualaikum ..
God willing this article can answer some of your friends about gold investments. where the salt of the earth for gold investment
source: M. Iqbal Writing (geraidinar manager)
This question often came to me in various keempatan, Fine by email, question and answer opportunities in a lecture or even a lot of dinar buyers before they start buying - they ask you first of this problem.
All three have the same course as the material is the same. The similarity lies in the benefits of the three forms of gold investment is that it has real value (tangible), valued at physical objects (intrinsic) and and values inherent / innate to it (innate). The third advantage is the value of investments owned by tdak other forms such as stocks, bonds and paper money.
Default value (original value) from the high gold investment - if there is no interference with the interests of various parties own the gold value will automatically return to the true value - which is high.
Instead the default value (value) of paper money, stocks, bonds close to zero, because if there is failure of the issuing party to fulfill its obligations, paper money, stocks and securities become worth only firewood.
Well now both gold investment, which we choose? Gold coins, gold bullion or jewelry? Here I provide a comparison that may be objective so that readers can choose their own - For Your decision is not affected by my opinion - as if my opinion of the Dinar because this is what I masyarakatkan.
Pros Dinar:
1. Having the nature of your unit; easily aggregated and divided. If we had a 100 Dinar - today we would use the 5 dinar live off the 5 dinar and the store is 95 dinars.
2. Highly liquid to be traded because of the ease of shared and aggregated at the top.
3. Has high value because of the socialization proselytizing will encourage socialization Dinar Islamic law itself. Zakat for example Nishab determined by Dinar or Dirham - people will be difficult to calculate correctly if the charity does not know this Dinar and Dirham.
4. Sell high-value return, follow the development of international gold prices, but only with reduced administrative costs and the sale of approximately 4% of the market price. So if the dinar over the past year increased 31%, then after the cut the cost of 4% is the result of our investments are still around 27%.
5. Easily traded among users because there is no constraint model and size.
Dinar Weaknesses:
1. In Indonesia is still considered jewelry, vendors affected by VAT 10% (In accordance MINISTER OF FINANCE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA NUMBER 83/KMK.03/2002 be calculated net of output tax and input tax of gold shops will have to pay 'golden stores' sales were 2 Dinar %).
2. Printing costs are still relatively high and it ranged between 3% - 5% of the value of goods depends on the number of orders.
Gold bullion Advantages:
1. Not affected by VAT
2. If we buy in units 1 kilogram - not affected by the printing costs.
3. High resale value.
Gold bullion Weaknesses:
1. Not flexible; if we store 1 kg of gold, then we need 10 grams for the purposes of cash - not easy to cut. Means must be sold before the 1 kg, is used partly in cash - partly to buy again in a smaller unit - then there will be loss of cost of sales / adiminstrasi a few times.
2. If we keep a small unit such as unit 1 gram, 5 gram, 10 grams - the printing costs will be high enough.
3. Not easily traded among users because of size constraints. Users who need 100 grams, he would not be interested in buying from other users who have a collection of 10 grams. Users who will sell 100 grams can not be sold to two people who each need 50 grams and so on.
Pros Gold Jewelry:
1. In addition to investments, can be used for other purposes - is used as jewelry.
Jewelry Weaknesses:
1. High production costs
2. Affected VAT
3. Not easily traded among users because of the model and size constraints.
From these comparisons, we can choose their own form of gold investments are most appropriate for us. And Allaah knows best.
By: Dadang Farhan's father Facebook Group Gold Investment for the Future Gold
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