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God willing this article can answer some of your friends about gold investments. where the salt of the earth for gold investment
source: M. Iqbal Writing (geraidinar manager)
This question often came to me in various keempatan, Fine by email, question and answer opportunities in a lecture or even a lot of dinar buyers before they start buying - they ask you first of this problem.
All three have the same course as the material is the same. The similarity lies in the benefits of the three forms of gold investment is that it has real value (tangible), valued at physical objects (intrinsic) and and values inherent / innate to it (innate). The third advantage is the value of investments owned by tdak other forms such as stocks, bonds and paper money.
Default value (original value) from the high gold investment - if there is no interference with the interests of various parties own the gold value will automatically return to the true value - which is high.
Instead the default value (value) of paper money, stocks, bonds close to zero, because if there is failure of the issuing party to fulfill its obligations, paper money, stocks and securities become worth only firewood.
Well now both gold investment, which we choose? Gold coins, gold bullion or jewelry? Here I provide a comparison that may be objective so that readers can choose their own - For Your decision is not affected by my opinion - as if my opinion of the Dinar because this is what I masyarakatkan.
Pros Dinar:
1. Having the nature of your unit; easily aggregated and divided. If we had a 100 Dinar - today we would use the 5 dinar live off the 5 dinar and the store is 95 dinars.
2. Highly liquid to be traded because of the ease of shared and aggregated at the top.
3. Has high value because of the socialization proselytizing will encourage socialization Dinar Islamic law itself. Zakat for example Nishab determined by Dinar or Dirham - people will be difficult to calculate correctly if the charity does not know this Dinar and Dirham.
4. Sell high-value return, follow the development of international gold prices, but only with reduced administrative costs and the sale of approximately 4% of the market price. So if the dinar over the past year increased 31%, then after the cut the cost of 4% is the result of our investments are still around 27%.
5. Easily traded among users because there is no constraint model and size.
Dinar Weaknesses:
1. In Indonesia is still considered jewelry, vendors affected by VAT 10% (In accordance MINISTER OF FINANCE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA NUMBER 83/KMK.03/2002 be calculated net of output tax and input tax of gold shops will have to pay 'golden stores' sales were 2 Dinar %).
2. Printing costs are still relatively high and it ranged between 3% - 5% of the value of goods depends on the number of orders.
Gold bullion Advantages:
1. Not affected by VAT
2. If we buy in units 1 kilogram - not affected by the printing costs.
3. High resale value.
Gold bullion Weaknesses:
1. Not flexible; if we store 1 kg of gold, then we need 10 grams for the purposes of cash - not easy to cut. Means must be sold before the 1 kg, is used partly in cash - partly to buy again in a smaller unit - then there will be loss of cost of sales / adiminstrasi a few times.
2. If we keep a small unit such as unit 1 gram, 5 gram, 10 grams - the printing costs will be high enough.
3. Not easily traded among users because of size constraints. Users who need 100 grams, he would not be interested in buying from other users who have a collection of 10 grams. Users who will sell 100 grams can not be sold to two people who each need 50 grams and so on.
Pros Gold Jewelry:
1. In addition to investments, can be used for other purposes - is used as jewelry.
Jewelry Weaknesses:
1. High production costs
2. Affected VAT
3. Not easily traded among users because of the model and size constraints.
From these comparisons, we can choose their own form of gold investments are most appropriate for us. And Allaah knows best.
By: Dadang Farhan's father Facebook Group Gold Investment for the Future Gold
I created this blog to collect articles related to gold because I'm interested in gold investment. Hopefully this blog is also useful for anyone who wants to invest in gold.
This blog is a translation of the blog version of Indonesia by using google translate
This blog is a translation of the blog version of Indonesia by using google translate