Investment pal, do pal that as an investment tool Ranking Gold occupies only 2. that's the reality. that in 40 years gold has appresiasi average value of 28.73% per annum against the Rupiah; against U.S. $ on average increase the value of 10:12% / year in the same period - especially this year as of today (11/11/2009) gold has increased the value of the 31.00% range compared to the value of gold a year ago.
Appresiasi investment value of gold would be so much compared with the results of rupiah deposits (yg average only 7 - 6% net per annum) and Dollar (3 - 4% net per annum); but still there are other investments more attractive than gold - what is it? .
to mate all know, diurutan to 1 (one) is a business / trade is going well.
I take an example, the experience of a colleague who opened a business Depot Refill Water, where the initial capital for
35 million, he got a net profit of approximately 7 million / month.
where only within 5 months, initial capital is returned. very interesting not ...
Although the business / trade successfully is an investment no 1, There is a prerequisite for this is my friend must be very master of business or trade in live compassionate friend. it requires a lot of things starting from the knowledge, experience, self-discipline, control of capital besides itself.
If my friend does not have one of them is Islam gives a lot of solutions. If my friend had only capital but lack the skills to, so my friend can be Shahibul mal (capital owners) and find mudarib (those who believe, master, skills to run a business) who can run a business that my friend interested.
If my friend only had the skills but lack capital, so my friend can be mudarib Shahibul mall and find that according to expertise.
And if my friend had the capital and expertise, but feel two things are not sufficient, then the friend can search for partners for bersyarikah. The point there is no reason not to start pioneering effort.
Gold as a No. 2 is the step that is very safe (if my friend had the capital but has not dared to start a business / commerce).
gold investments to be the best solution, rather than letting pal capital / savings in the bank eroded your time (interest rates) and inflation is slowly being eaten away.
I hope the Golden kiita agreed that only the No. 2 as an investment, and business / trade sector was the real No. 1; but by using gold as an investment instrument, the worst outcome Gold Investment is still No. 2.
Superior to the Deposit (both rupiah and dollar)
let alone just a savings ..
Start today, to move the buddy financial assets (in the form of savings possible), a Gold Investment (Whether it's gold bars, coins Dinar, and Gold jewelry)
Like in the final game, won 2 already kepegang - struggled to stay a champion as much as possible of course 1.
More than that Gold is not just as a means of investment;
The move from paper money into cash in the form of Real Gold is the displacement of a scale that is not fair to the scales of Justice.
Whatever the results of your investment, do not turn round again, or compare the results of your efforts to scale / size of the unjust (fiat / paper money) is. And Allaah knows best bus showab
May the good intentions we all, made easy to be realized ..
if there are questions about getting gold coins and gold bars dinars .. maybe my friend could see in the discussion forum of this group.
I salute you on the Family
By: Dadang Farhan's father Facebook Group Gold Investment for the Future Gold
I created this blog to collect articles related to gold because I'm interested in gold investment. Hopefully this blog is also useful for anyone who wants to invest in gold.
This blog is a translation of the blog version of Indonesia by using google translate
This blog is a translation of the blog version of Indonesia by using google translate